
A huge thank you to C. Schatz Film & Photography for these amazing photos of the new school!

Official Ground breaking Ceremony

Delia School was proud to host a small ground breaking ceremony on Monday, September 21 to officially announce the start of construction of our new school. Thank you to all of the dignitaries and officials who were able to attend.

Please view our 2020 video, put together by Mrs. Vanderkolk and our Grade 11 students in honour of Remembrance Day.
Delia School Remembrance Day Video 

Orange Shirt Day 2019

Delia School was honoured to have all of our students and staff members wear orange shirts to acknowledge those affected by residential schools. 

Delia School, along with the rest of PLSD understands that "Every Child Matters."

$1.2 Million Raised by the DSES!!!!

There has never been so much confetti in a school gymnasium!!

Delia School staff and students were proud to recognize the amazing work of the DSES. In a few short months, the Delia School Enhancement Society has raised over $1.2 million for the new school.

Not knowing what they were in for, members of the DSES high-fived their way through a long path of students, making their way to the centre of the gym. After a quick video showcasing Delia students thanking everyone involved in the fundraising campaign, the strings were pulled and confetti rained down!

“The Make Your Mark campaign was a huge success – success only possible because of the incredible generosity shown by individuals, families, businesses, and communities. We raised over $1.2 million in under eight months – an amazing number that shows how important this project is to so many people. DSES is so excited to share this accomplishment with the many, many people who contributed.”

- Amber Marshall, President of the DSES. 

Celebrating Canada's 150 

Photos by Jill Clayholt Photography